sat 09:00 - 14:00
sat 10:00 - 10:45
Pohádky v Adalu
sun 15:00 - 16:00
"Jaro nám nastává, slunce jasně svítí, stromy se nám zelenají, ptáčkové zpívají, rozvíjej se kvítí“.
Smrtná neděle a vítání jara se všemi místními zvyky a obyčeji. Za zvuku lidových písní a říkadel "Smrtholku" nastrojí, vynesou a do vody na soutoku Labe s Orlicí v Jiráskových sadech vhodí hradecké folklorní soubory Červánek a Dupák. Vstup volný.
Buďte u toho!
Adalbertinum is the seat of the Hradec Cultural and Educational Society. This institution has been established by the City of Hradec Králové in order to provide cultural services and fulfill the city's strategic objectives in the field of culture, art, out-of-school education, guild activities of citizens, maintenance of folk traditions, leisure activities of children and youth and tourism development.
The Adalbertinum was built in 1895-97 in the historic neo-Renaissance style, designed by architect František Hellman, and now offers a stylish and yet comfortable environment for organizing cultural and social events, congresses, conferences, trainings or teambuilding meetings. There are halls with a capacity of up to 440 seats, a gym, but also lounges and classrooms with 20 to 30 seats. These rooms are equipped with modern audiovisual technology and lighting.